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Section 1: Design Project Introduction


A working title for my assignment might have been:


“Design solution for a service to minimise time spent for small companies needing to make their Social Media Posts accessible in a predominantly mobile environment”. 

Which is very long-winded, rather dull and - on the face of it - sounds exaggeratedly niche.

Yet none of its constituent elements are niche; nor their combination.     

This project argues the need for a fast, easy-to-use digital website “tool” and produces a preliminary design which addresses that purpose. Existing Accessibility checkers advise on possible failings, but leave implementation to the customer. My solution involves both error checking and rectification. 

It represents a broadening and deepening of an idea first introduced in my previous Digital transmedia project. Limited resources made available by SMEs for Digital Marketing often preclude transformative outcomes and that by removing this essentially clerical component more time is freed-up for the creation of core marketing content.

[abbreviations used: DM (Digital Marketing), SM (Social Media)]

ii) Proposal Outline


I analyse what is required to make a SM post accessible and why this can be time-consuming in a Digital Marketers workload.

I establish the size of this SM sector for SMEs - being the target audience for my solution - and investigate possible legal impacts on Companies who fail their customers in this area. 


I describe the possible benefits if they embrace Accessibility as not just “a bind” but a genuine marketing tool. 


I believe these issues constitute a justification for my Design Projects’s solution.    


2.1 The time factor. Accessibility as a drag for Digital Marketers, especially when the resources are constrained.  

2.2 Elements relevant to SM Accessibility. 

2.3 Extent of the potential market for my service  

2.4 Review of the Accessibility legislation and what it can mean for businesses.

2.5 Accessibility tools/resources available on SM.

2.6 Deeper study of the Accessibility technologies my solution needs to encompass 

2.7 Accessibility technologies specifically for Mobile phones


Presenting its rationale and operational conceptions.

3.1 Market Survey: basis for the B2B Persona 

3.2 B2B Persona based on the survey feedback + additional 1:1 interviews

3.3 Rationale for my Website Service

3.4 Its contribution to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #4


Development of a preliminary website design, sufficient for its presentation to web developers or investment companies. 


4.1     Creation of a Mood Board 

4.2    Sketches for the main pages of the site    

4.3    Presentation of wire frames

4.4    Motion Graphical elements


Increasingly job seekers list a company’s record on Accessibility and Inclusivity as a key consideration.


Appendix A: DM7908 - Project Tracker Chart

Processes, time-scales (“Project Tracker”) 


Appendix B: DM7908 - Project Design Journal

Decisions, thought processes, research notes, tutor meetings


Appendix C: DM7908 - B2B Survey

Conducted amongst friends and acquaintances in Digital Marketing


Appendix D: DM7908 - B2B Persona

Derived from the Survey and follow-up interviews


Before describing negative aspects of Accessibility (time, the sins of  omission, limitations of tools/services) it is worthwhile reminding ourselves of the benefits; not so much in terms of the users (relatively well-understood), but rather from the perspective of businesses themselves.

Accessibility aids all users, not just disabled people

Even if businesses gain only limited extra trade from disabled persons, it is still sales. In a competitive world every little counts. Inclusive design makes customers feel valued, increases their chance of returning again and of spreading the word to others. Additionally, Accessibility can benefits many users, as many features essential for disabled persons are useful to others.

Accessibility is often critical for Public contracts & funding

When tendering for Government contracts / funding, the requirement for  Accessiblity is usually obligatory. Those without it will be disadvantaged.

Accessibility makes for “Robust” systems

Robustness is one of the four pillars of Accessibility enabling your Digital posts to play out on multiple platforms, browsers and devices.

Accessibility increases SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

HTML semantic mark-up techniques used for making digital content accessible enable Search Engines (therefore customers) to search more easily on keywords.

A Business’s commitment to Accessibility assists with recruitment

Increasingly job seekers list a company’s record on Accessibility and Inclusivity as a key consideration. 


So, with these positive outputs in mind, let us consider the input to the process - being the sweat & toil needed to achieve those benefits and where my service is designed to help. 

2.1    Time: Accessibility as a Drag

From my own experience as a SM marketer for a small company, I know that the pressure to produce creative and effective media posts in time to meet tight deadlines is increased by the need to ensure their contents’ accessibility. It is yet another layer of knowledge that has to be learned and then applied.


SM Platform providers generally offer reasonable accessibility resources now and Digital designers should at least be aware of the genre. They resources are improving all the time. 


Nevertheless those features are not, in themselves, a direct solution to the problem – needing the post made accessible in addition to all the other work going on. Nor are those tools themselves always error-free and professionally reliable.


Accessibility is not the creative element in an SM designer’s role. It is more of an administrative task and one that lends itself to an administrative solution, in much the same way as we might click on the “=SUM” button in Excel to total a column of figures rather than work them out long-hand; or not need to learn C+ or Python to run an app or indeed understand anything about electronics to operate a computer.    


To pass that aspect of our role to a human or digital “third party” that can be trusted to do the job professionally and efficiently, whose knowledge base is up-to-date and whose services are either free or at the very least cost-effective, will become an increasingly desirable asset for small businesses; maybe not quite “at the push of a button” yet but as near to that concept as I can reasonably get.    


Lacking funds or the belief in its effectiveness, the limit of such companys’ commitment to SM marketing is usually to appoint someone internally to the role rather than outside professionals; in effect paying little more than lip-service to one of modern Commerce’s most potent tools. Furthermore, those on the receiving end of such “promotions” are often required to continue with some or all of their previous duties.


My service will take that function away from a Company’s Digital Marketers. Computing and Communications comprise layers and layers of technologies. Usually, the layer in which they work is the only one they are judged on. 


Treating accessibility as another layer below a SM Marketer’s home base is simply to follow the eternal trend. To make Accessibility as near to automatic or “push-of-a-button” as possible is merely to follow the common dynamic of the ICT juggernaut.   

2.2     Elements of SM Accessibility

Any list of principal Accessibility considerations for SM post should include the following:


  • Alt text

  • Video Captioning

  • Visual quality

  • Descriptive Imaging

  • Descriptive Audio

  • Speech quality

  • Transcription  

  • Correct Grammar / plain wording

  • Unambiguous Emojis / Emoticons

  • Clear use of Hashtags

  • Colour Contrast 

  • Photo, Video Resizing

  • Colour blindness design

  • More than colour for meaning

  • Photosensitivity


Though legal considerations are discussed in Section 2.4, it should be noted that just as defining what constitutes a “realistic adjustment” under the Equality Act is not a science, nor is defining a “reasonable” degree of digital accessibility a black-and-white affair either. Total Accessibility is impossible.

It is unlikely for example that a Court of Justice would penalise an organisation for omitting to provide Descriptive Audio and Descriptive Imaging for its videos. 

Whilst these services would certainly be appreciated by some of its disabled customers, the business might legitimately argue they are not critical to their basic understanding of the post and that the necessity of providing them would constitute an unreasonable financial burden. 

Some items on the list would fall into the category of “non-critical” for the purposes of Accessibility. 

At the other end of the scale though, it is indefensible to argue for the exclusion of alt text or video captioning.  

Ignoring what you can get away with without legally needing to provide is hardly the hallmark of a professional and morally-aware organisation. Likely they will be recognised as such by those in the business world and the wider public who appreciate and reward such things.

Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 14.53.22.png

  [Google Images, 2020]

2.3  Extent of the Market for my Service

I draw upon industry statistics to build a picture of the potential market available for my “not-really-that-niche-at-all” service.

Though US figures are sometimes used where UK ones were not readily available, there is a general equivalence in the data between both countries.

The DM industry (of which SM is one element) had an estimated worldwide spend in 2022 of $ 600 Billion…. 

… where the UK accounted for £ 15.5 Billion…  [Statista, 2022]

…of which…

Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 15.22.28.png

[Wordstream, 2022, via Hootsuite]

..meaning about £ 5.2 Billion …                      

 … for the UK’s total 2022 spend on SM Marketing ….

…at a conservative estimate…

 …  as other research websites put that estimate as high as 44%  

Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 15.25.57.png

[Hubspot, 2022]

(…but I will stick with that conservative estimate)

Although unable to find an equivalent figure for the UK (without subscribing to paid sources) Hubspot’s report for 2022 found US companies averaging approx 7% of turnover on DM.

I use this as a rough guideline as the UK, EU and US SM expenditures seem to roughly align. For instance, during Q2 of 2022 UK companies spent an average of £4945, compared to Northern Europe (£4635) and the US (£4322) [McGuire. G, 2022]

From a turnover of all UK businesses in 2022 of £ 4,156,773 Millions, SME’s accounted for £2,124,439 Millions [, 2022]. Where 1 Billion £ = 1000,000,000.

Taking an estimate of 7% of turnover spent on DM (of which a third is used for SM) and we have a figure of approximately 0.333 x 7% x £ 2,124,439 Millions = £ 49,520 Millions 

…in other words…


£ 4.95 Billion is the UK’s annual expenditure by SMEs on SM marketing in 2022.


 Furthermore, it is estimated this figure’s 

 is set to rise at 9% each year to 2026 [Wordstream, 2022]

  … and add to this the following survey….

Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 15.51.02.png

 [Hubspot, 2022]

…(in which Accessibility must surely form part of any Quality posting) 

2.4     Review of Accessibility-related Legislation


If businesses ignore Accessibility they risk prosecution under the Law and possibly their reputation in the marketplace. 

While countries have different laws for accessibility, many (including the UK and US), base them on the internationally-recognised standard for web accessibility - WCAG, currently at version 2.1 in its evolution                     

I undertake here a brief review of principal Accessibility legislation in the UK and US. (more regions are beyond the scope of this project). The upward curve in US litigation is described. 


UK Legislation:


  • The Equality Act (2010)

  • The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations (2018)


The Equality Act applies to all organisations, private or public. Disability, being one of its “protected” groups, requires web content to be universally Accessible. Section 20 of the Act requires online service providers to employ reasonable adjustments to ensure equal experiences for those with disabilities. 

PSBAR applies only to Public Sector Bodies such as Central and local Governments, qualifying NGOs (ie those receiving substantial Government financial support) etc.  


Other legislation relevant to UK Accessibility:


If UK businesses sell products or services to customers in the EU, they must comply with the European Accessibility Act (EAA).

The UK still abides by the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights).


Accessibility cases, unredressed by the UK Courts, could ultimately be referred there.


The UK Equality and Human Rights Commission stipulates website owners must anticipate disabled customers’ needs.


British Standard (BS 8878) 2010 which provides accessibility compliance advice.:


US Legislation :


  • Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act (Sept 2022). 

  • Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973)   

  • ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) 


The Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act goes beyond the remit of the ADA in two key areas:

Whereas the ADA only covered organisations who showed their websites on the Internet, the new Act extends liability for those companies who design and maintain those websites for them.

The remit of the new Act now extends to mobile media.


Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (1973) requires Federal [Government/public sector] agencies to make their digital technology accessible to people with disabilities.” 508 was added in 1998.


ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) covers web accessibility for desktops/laptops but does not relate to mobile communications. This applies to public and private organisations

Litigation Trends in Digital Accessibility

In America ADA-based prosecution is currently the principal channel for litigation.

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[Usablenet, 2022]

Of those 4,055 lawsuits in 2021 almost 500 were for organisations previously penalised for similar offences. Such a high rate will probably lead to increased fines in the future as it may suggest that current punishments are lenient.

SMEs increasingly bear the brunt of Accessibility lawsuits in the US.

Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 18.41.35.png

 [Usablenet, 2022]

It is likely that, as many larger organisations have already been bitten and consequently have Accessibility plans in place that the emphasis will  switch to SMEs, who mostly have not. 

Indeed, organisations with revenue < $50 million constituted nearly two-thirds of US Accessibility lawsuits January-June 2021, whereas the same period in 2020 saw less than half. Though the emphasis remains on websites, mobile lawsuits are no longer insignificant (10-11%) [Useablenet, 2022]

Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 19.16.51.png

 [Usablenet, 2022]

Those who merely employ a token Accessibility widget are still liable for lawsuits - 400+ according to 2021 US figures. [Usablenet, 2022] 

UK disputes are resolved before getting to the courts [rev & rev, 2022]. To the end 2021, there were no UK Accessibility court actions [Bird. D, 2021]. It is possible this might change to a more litigious American-style approach.

2.5  What SM Accessibility Checking & Rectifying Resources are already available on the SM platforms themselves and the wider Web ?

SM Platforms

Auto-alt text/ auto-captioning is standard on major platforms, with Google/YouTube seeming to offer the more reliable results on account of their long-term investment in these technologies. [Leetaru. K, 2019], though more recently the others improved. Facebook for example has recently increased the number of objects/concepts in its auto-alt text to 1,200 that are recognised by the AAT (Administrative Accessibility Tribunal) in America).


Even these services need checking though before a post goes live.

Whilst checking and correcting alt text and captioning for Facebook posts may seem easy, for multi-platform campaigns you might need to think again. 

Adding descriptive audio & imaging, transcription, video resizing et al into the mix you soon have a second job on your hands. 


As an industry professional, it is laudable to have many strings to your bow, but is it necessary for a gifted Digital Marketer to be Accessibility-proficient too? Are these not two separate (though related) disciplines? 


When their own field is already huge it makes sense to carve off these non-creative components. Cost-effective outsourcing is good business.  

Most platforms will give you a large resource of information on how to make your posts accessible. 

Facebook’s/Meta’s Accessibility pages are an interesting and helpful resource.

Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 19.29.58.png

 [Facebook, 2022]

Accessibility Checkers

There are many to choose from, for instance:

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Unfortunately, they are designed for websites, not SM postings.

WAVE is a typical tool into which you enter your website address. It is not directly relevant to SM postings.

Likewise, Google’s Android Accessibility Scanner checks for mobile app accessibility, but not specifically for SM postings.


SM “Scanners” are marketing analytic tools, nothing about Accessibility.

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 [Surico, K. 2022]

In fact, using all manner of wording, the result was the same - nothing “out there” is designed to check and rectify the accessibility of your SM postings - just accessibility checklists and advice.

By “rectify”, I mean to the extent the Post’s wide Accessibility is guaranteed under contract, so there is nothing SM marketers need to do before posting. For example, my employer, Microlink, supplies its PDF remediation services at a minimum of 98% accuracy. Anything less would be contractually liable for re-remediation. 

Furthermore, subcontracting an SM post’s Accessibility to a professional 3rd party would, in any relevant court case, benefit the defendant.                       

Even if SM Accessibility checkers existed,  auto-tools still need checking by human agency to ensure they are error-free. Currently that agency is the Digital Marketers.  

Subject to commercial liability for guaranteed service levels, my solution aims to remove this “dead-weight” from Marketers workloads. 

As the virtual world continues to expand, so Accessibility and Marketing will go their own “separate”, but connected ways.   

2.6 Accessibility Technologies &  Methodologies my Service would Use

Section 2.2 reviewed those elements needed to make SM posts accessible. 

I now describe the tools available to assist SM designers to achieve them. 

These digital “fixers” can be free to the public, some within the platforms themselves or else on the wider Internet.

Colour contrast checkers

Though not available on SM platforms, there are many free-to-use ones on the Web of varying sophistication. Two are shown here: the TPGi CCA (Colour Contrast Analyser) - my preferred app - and the Deque Systems app. TPGi’s calculates colours when the user hovers over the text or background whereas Deque’s uses a manual slider.

Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 19.59.24.png

The Deque app needs the following procedure (twice!) for each check (for Windows).

Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 20.01.49.png

Auto-Captioning for Videos 

Most SM platforms offer auto-captioning in Live and on-demand services. Commercially available auto-captioning services claim their AI tools have more accurate results. 

Most paid captioning software covers more languages than SM platforms  - typically 30 to 60 as compared to 5 and 20.

The accuracy on the video/video hosting platforms/video clouds are especially good and usually only small modifications are needed to achieve professional standards. A few examples below.

Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 21.04.30.png

My service checks (and amends) that first “parse” to ensure accuracy. 

There are services too that are dedicated to generating captions (usually paid) though I have not had time to “bench test” these yet).

Auto- captions, unlike Subtitles, include some non-verbal descriptions, for instance [Music plays]. I will use Music Recognition Software to add meaning [Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony]


Often confused with captioning, subtitles are primarily used for ensuring accessibility for people in different languages. They can also benefit deaf or hearing-impaired people and anyone watching videos in a noisey environment. Children often prefer to read them and those for whom English is not their first language. 

Maximising Audio Quality & Visual Issues

Accessibility is improved for general users as well as disabled people when a video’s technical qualities are addressed. For example, borderline sight or hearing impaired people might benefit greatly.

My service analyses and enhances video quality. Poor diction, background noise, low resolution, strobing, for example, are corrected. 

Speech Quality

I would employ, for example, the Adobe Free Speech Enhancer to improve audio quality or Adobe Premier Pro CC. There are many others available 

They reduce room echo, background noise, improve speech clarity, compensate for speakers being too far from microphones and other issues.

Visual Issues 

The visual qualities of videos can also be maximised with many free or paid tools. Examples. 

Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 21.26.21.png

Photosensitivity Issues

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 [, 2021]

Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 21.28.09.png

 [Epilepsy Foundation, 2021]

Approximately 3% of epileptic people are vulnerable to seizures caused by strobing/flashing lights and changing colour patterns.

A significant minority of the world’s population, especially younger viewers, get headaches and generally unpleasant reactions from these effects. Children with Autism are at even greater risk.  [MIT, Technology Licencing Office, 2021]

MIT developed a technology that screens for these conditions in videos and corrects them automatically. Though still at the Patent Pending stage as of 2020, I will incorporate this technology in the future. 

For now, my service would correct manually, using one of the screening-only technologies freely available, such as Maryland University’s Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool (PEAT) - which screens and highlights issues. [Trace Research and Development Centre, 2022]

Audio Descriptions for Videos   

Audio Description (AD) provides blind or sight-impaired people with descriptions of a video’s visual content as an additional element to the speaker’s voice.   

Audio Descriptions are made by humans (until AI or Computer Learning technology is perfected).


My service writes and records Audio Descriptions for positioning within the natural pauses between the speaker’s voice.

Many companies offer this service (examples shown below), though this is included within my much broader suite of accessibility solutions.

Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 21.34.47.png

Image Descriptions

For videos and photos to be widely accessible they should include Audio Description, Image Description and Transcriptions where relevant. 

Whilst AI is continually improving alt text descriptions of visual elements (for example being able to recognise the flower above as a Daisy) they can be limited or even wrong). Alt Text fields should also be short, max 125 words. The Image Description field however can contain as much info as you want, even links. This we would provide and ensure title fields contain short descriptions (one or two words) that Search Engines can feed off.   


AI Video Transcriptions are available within most SM platforms. They are free but average about 14% error rates. They can struggle with slang and the subtleties of language. [rev and rev, 2021]

Professional transcription services, for example, Rev and Rev, Veed, Beey achieve about 99% accuracy (1% error rate). 

Which you use depends on budget, time constraints, audience etc. My service would offer both options, depending on which subscription model was selected. 

In most cases, though Transcriptions do little more than textualise spoken words, making them less than fully accessible to blind and deaf people. My service adds image and audio descriptions to auto-Transcribed pages to provide fuller meaning for hearing-impaired/deaf viewers.     

Finally, I would employ the Hemmingway app (this link takes you to it to check transcripts as well as alt texts for overly complicated wording and poor grammar. 

For disability-related words, I would refer to Wikipedia (2021). List of disability-related terms with negative connotations.

Auto-Alt text   

AI alt-text technology is quick and free, but not error-free. SM posts and Smartphones AI can usually make out the attributes of an image— Smartphones can tell your face from another person’s but it can be woeful at prioritising correctly which attributes are the most important.


in 2021, for example, Facebook’s algorithm described a video featuring black men as “about Primates". The likely culprit was probably too little AI sampling of a minority or marginalised groups.  [Synaptiq, 2022]

AI is not an alt-text panacea. My service would manually analyse and enhance where necessary.

Photo Resizing

Whilst this is a borderline Accessibility issue, incorrect sizing can affect understanding of a situation or context.

Tools such as DevTools in Google can resize websites and apps to suit different mobile phone models. However, once a photo or video has been resized to suit an SM platform, it will appear correctly sized on most phones due to the “robust” nature of their design.

If resizing videos/photos for multiple SM platforms you need to do the resizing multiple times. My service handles this.   

Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 17.45.49.png

Tools such as DevTools in Google can resize websites and apps to suit different mobile phone models. However, once a photo or video has been resized to suit an SM platform, it will appear correctly sized on most phones due to the “robust” nature of their design.

If resizing videos/photos for multiple SM platforms you need to do the resizing multiple times. My service handles this.

2.7   Accessibility features of Mobile phones

Of 4,200 mobile phone models in 2021 iPhones accounted for approximately 20% of all sales.

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 17.43.01.png

As most Social Media engagement is via Mobile Phones my website in the future, will draws viewers attention to the many Accessibility features available for leading brands. For iPhones this web snipping shows some of many features.

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 17.45.21.png


Presenting the rationale and operational conceptions behind my website solution.

3.1 Market Survey: basis for the B2B Persona

3.1 Market Survey: basis for the B2B Persona

I drew on the experiences of a small number (14) of friends and acquaintances who work in Digital Marketing for this survey.

[Please see Appendix C : DM7908 - B2B Survey]

Because they know me well and trust in my discretion they were quite candid and the overall message was that whilst they empathise with the need for Accessibility, it is a nuisance to implement and if they can get away without doing it they often do! 


3.2 B2B Buyer Persona based on the survey feedback and additional 1:1 interviews 

3.2 B2B Buyer Persona based on the survey feedback and additional 1:1 interviews

Please see Appendix D: DM7908 - B2B Persona which is primarily derived from the Survey and follow-up interviews outlined in the previous section.

Desktop - 4-2.png

3.3 Rationale for my Website Service

To empower Social Media Marketers to do what they do best - Media Posting - by removing the administrative element of Accessibility from their workload.

To provide/aspire to a one-stop-shop, click-of-a-button service.


Utilise the professional capabilities of Microlink’s Digital Accessibility department where necessary to provide leading-edge digital technologies for the detection and rectification of inaccessible elements in Social Media posts.

3.4 My service’s contribution to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #4

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 19.04.42.png

 [UNESCO 2018]

Increasingly educational authorities seek to include disabled learners  in the general classroom with their able-bodied peers by providing relevant AT and structuring curriculums to allow for different learning needs - rather than hiving off those considered as “problems” to special needs establishments.

Though not directly aimed at education, my service helps Companies to ensure their SM posts are accessible to a wide audience including disabled persons and those whose first language is not English. The content of some of those posts may be relevant to learners in their studies.  

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 19.08.12.png

Looking ahead in this digital age, adults who have spent much of their lives using digital technologies will expect to be able to continue using digital technologies even after acquiring disabilities. The market for accessible digital technologies is expected to increase as more technologically-savvy users age and acquire disabilities.  


The development of a preliminary website design, sufficient for its presentation to web developers or investment companies. This will include mood boards, sketches, wire-frames and motion graphical elements culminating in the product’s visual presentation.

4.1     Creation of a Mood Board


4.2    Sketches for introduction Motion Graphics

4.3    Presentation of the website

By clicking this button you will be taken to the figma pages where the layout of my Website and its internal relationships can be viewed.

4.4    Motion Graphics StoryBoard 


Frame 1.png


Section 1.8    Research Methods (n.d.). 4 types of research methods all designers should know | Inside Design Blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov 2022] 
Leverage Edu. (2021). Research Design. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov 2022]

Section 2: Making accessibility painless at the point of use. Why my service is needed.

2.2 Elements relevant to SM Accessibility


FLAGSHIP SOCIAL. (n.d.). 6 Ways to Make Your SM Posts More Accessible. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov 2022]


Sehl, K. (2019). Everything You Need to Know About Inclusive Design for SM. [online] Hootsuite SM Management. Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov 2022] (n.d.). The Accessible Social Checklist. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov 2022]


Hamby, S. (2020). Do more: the SM accessibility checklist. [online] Medium. Available at:

 [Accessed 7 Nov 2022] (2019). How To Make Your Instagram Feed Accessible For Visual Impairment | Veroniiiica. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Nov 2022]


2.3 Extent of the Potential Market for My Service


‌Dean, B. (2021). Social Network Usage & Growth Statistics: How Many People Use SM in 2021? [online] Backlinko. Available at: [5 Nov 2022]

‌Mohsin, M. (2022). 10 SM Statistics You Need to Know in 2021 [Infographic]. [online] Oberlo. Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov 2022]

Objects, V. (n.d.). Small Businesses Value SM Over All Other DM Channels. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Nov 2022]



cycles, T. text provides general information S. assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct D. to varying update and Text, S.C.D.M. up-to-Date D.T.R. in the (n.d.). Topic: Mobile SM worldwide. [online] Statista. Available at:

[Accessed 5 Nov 2022]



WordStream. (n.d.). 165 Powerful DM Statistics 2022. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov 2022]



State of Inbound Marketing Trends. (n.d.). [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov 2022]


‌Hickam, L. (n.d.). How Much Do Local Businesses Spend on SM. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov  2022]

‌Statista. (n.d.). Topic: Digital marketing in the UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov 2022]


Distinct - Local Website Experts. (2021). How Much Should a Small Business Spend on DM? [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov 2022]


‌GOV.UK (2022). Small to medium sized enterprise (SME) action plan. [online] GOV.UK. Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov 2022] (n.d.). Digital advertising crucial to SMEs’ recovery | IAB UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Nov 2022]


‌McGuire, G. (n.d.). SM ad spend for UK companies greater than the global average! (via Passle). [online] Passle. Available at:  [Accessed 7 Nov 2022].


Anon, (n.d.). Digital Accessibility: The Right Thing To Do Is Also Good For Business |. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 7 Nov 2022]


GOV.UK. (n.d.). Business population estimates for the UK and regions 2022: statistical release (HTML). [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Nov 2022].


‌ (n.d.). Marketing Budget: How Much Should Your Team Spend in 2023? [By Industry]. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Nov 2022]


2.4 The Lengthening “Arm of the Law” : Accessibility & legislation


Government Digital Service (2018). Make your public sector website or app accessible. [online] GOV.UK. Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov 2022]


‌Siteimprove. (n.d.). Overview of UK accessibility laws for websites. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 13 Nov 2022]


‌redfineyourmarketing (2022). WCAG for Mobile Apps. [online] Level Access. Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov 2022].


Seymour2022-09-29T11:18:00+01:00, S. (n.d.). Litigation: A digital future. [online] Communities - The Law Society. Available at:  [Accessed 13 Nov 2022].


‌Little Forest. (2021). A Summary of 2020’s Web Accessibility Lawsuits. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov 22]


Little Forest. (2021). UK Universities and Web Accessibility. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov 2022] (2019). An Introduction to Accessibility. [online] Available at: Text=Under%20 Section%20508%20of%20the [Accessed 13 Nov 2022].


‌Alcántara, A.-M. (2021). Lawsuits Over Digital Accessibility for People With Disabilities Are Rising. Wall Street Journal. [online] 15 Jul. Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov 2022].


Law Office of Lainey Feingold. (2022). Proposed web and software accessibility legislation introduced in United States Congress. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov 2022].


‌Leach, B. (2018). What is Section 508. [online] Shaw Trust Accessibility Services. Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov 2022].


‌ADA DIGITAL ACCESSIBILITY LAWSUITS. (n.d.). [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov 2022]


Rev and Rev (2021). Web Accessibility Laws in the United Kingdom You Should Know (2021). [online] Rev. Available at: [Access 14 Nov 2022].


‌Bird, D. (2021). UK Law and digital accessibility: What it means for your organisation. [online] Scope for business. Available at: [Accessed 12 Nov. 2022].


‌‌2.5 What Accessibility information/training already exists on a range of Social Media sites‌‌ (n.d.). Meta Accessibility. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov 2022].

​ (n.d.). Accessibility | Facebook Help Center. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov 2022].


‌Rock Content. (2021). The 15 Best Video Platforms to Share your Content. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Dec. 2022].


‌SM Today. (n.d.). Facebook Updates its Automated Alt Text Process to Identify More Objects Within Posted Images. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov 2022].


Leetaru, K. (n.d.). Facebook’s Terrible Automatic Video Captions Are No Laughing Matter. [online] Forbes. Available at:  [Accessed 15 Nov 2022].


‌ (n.d.). Facebook Community Standards | Transparency Center. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov 2022].

Meta Business Help Center. (n.d.). How to review auto-generated captions on Facebook videos. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 16 Nov 2022].


Digital Trends. (2022). TikTok’s latest features are all about accessibility. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 16 Nov 2022].

​ (n.d.). Accessibility | TikTok. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 16 Nov 2022].


Newsroom | TikTok. (2019). Making TikTok more accessible to people with photosensitive epilepsy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Nov 22].


2.6 Deeper review of relevant Accessibility technologies, whether they are already available on SM platforms or otherwise


General Considerations

Anon, (2021). 10 Best Accessibility Tools For 2022. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Nov 2022]. (n.d.). 30 Best Web Accessibility Checking Tools for Compliance in 2021. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Nov 2022]. (n.d.). Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov 2022].


Chrome Developers. (n.d.). Accessibility features reference. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov 2022]


Chrome Developers. (n.d.). Open Chrome DevTools. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov 2022]


‌‌Android Developers. (2016). Test your app’s accessibility  |  Android Developers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov 2022] 

OPTASY (2020). What Are Some of the Best Web Accessibility Testing Tools to Evaluate Your Website With? [online] Medium. Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov 2022]



Surico, K. (2022). The 20 Best Social Media Scanners & Monitoring Tools. [online] NetBase Quid. Available at:

[Accessed 18 Nov  2022]


Colour Contrast


WebAIM (2019). WebAIM: Contrast Checker. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov 2022]


Accessible Web. (n.d.). Web Accessibility Color Contrast Checker - Meet WCAG Conformance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov 2022]


TPGi. (n.d.). Color Contrast Checker. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 21 Nov 2022] 

Video Captioning (n.d.). Understanding Success Criterion 1.2.2: Captions (Prerecorded) | WAI | W3C. [online] Available at:

 [Accessed 22 Nov 2022]


Initiative (WAI), W.W.A. (n.d.). Planning Audio and Video Media. [online] Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). Available at:

 [Accessed 22 Nov 2022]


‌Windows Report - Error-free Tech Life. (2020). 9 best music recognition software to install on your PC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov 2022]


‌ ‌ (n.d.). Correcting YouTube Auto-Captions | Information Technology Systems and Services. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov 2022]

​ (n.d.). Edit or remove captions - YouTube Help. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov 2022]

​ (n.d.). Video Lesson. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov 2022]

‌ (n.d.). Hemingway Editor. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov 2022]


‌Wikipedia. (2021). List of disability-related terms with negative connotations. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov 2022]

​ (n.d.). How To Edit Automatic Captions in YouTube. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Nov 2022] (n.d.). CAPTION FAIL: Lady Gaga Putt-Putt Rally. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 22 Nov 2022]


Audio / Speech Quality


Edwards, B. (2022). Make your noisy recording sound like pro audio with Adobe’s free AI tool. [online] Ars Technica. Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2022]. (n.d.). Free AI Audio Enhance from Adobe - Make Laptop Mics Sound Good? [online] Available at:

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​ (n.d.). Adobe AI: Make Trash Audio Sound Like Studio Recording! [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2022].


Visual Quality


‌ (n.d.). Adjust Video Brightness, Contrast, Saturation — Online & Free — Clideo. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Dec. 2022]


‌MUO. (2019). 7 Video Quality Enhancers to Improve Low Resolution on Your Videos. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov 2022]


Petrovski, D. (2017). 6 Common Smartphone Photography Issues and How to Fix Them. [online] Light Stalking. Available at:

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Apple, D. the iDB appAbout | C. | D. | P. | U. © iDownloadBlog com-This website is not affiliated with (2019). How to upload photos to Instagram without compression. [online] Available at: [12 Nov 2022]


Photosensitivity Issues

​ (n.d.). Understanding Success Criterion 2.3.1 | Understanding WCAG 2.0. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 26 Nov 2022]


Epilepsy Foundation. (n.d.). Photosensitivity and Seizures. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Nov 2022]


Trace Research & Development Center. (n.d.). Photosensitive Epilepsy Analysis Tool (PEAT). [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Nov 2022]


‌ (n.d.). Making Screens Safe for those with Photosensitivity | MIT Technology Licensing Office. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Nov 2022]


Image Descriptions with Alt text


Limelight Department. (n.d.). The Difference Between Image Alt Texts and Descriptions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov 2022]


Perkins School for the Blind. (n.d.). How to Write Alt Text and Image Descriptions for the visually impaired. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov 2022]


‌ (n.d.). WebAIM: Alternative Text. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov 2022]

​ (n.d.). The Pros & Cons of Artificial Intelligence for ‘Alt Text’ Generation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov 2022].


‌‌ (2022). My Ideas For Improving Alt Text Features On SM. [online] Available at:  [Accessed 27 Nov 2022]

​ (n.d.). Alt Rock: Accessible Images for Everyone. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov 2022]


Photo Resizing


Mansurov, N. (2014). How to Properly Resize Images for Facebook. [online] Photography Life. Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov 2022]


‌iStock. (n.d.). Two businessmen handshaking are dishonest and cheat with holding gun. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov 2022]


App Store. (n.d.). ‎Image Size. [online] Available at:

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Promo Image Resizer. (n.d.). Free Image Resizer | Resize Your Images Online | [online] Available at:

 [Accessed 30 Nov 2022] (n.d.). How To Get Pictures To Fit On Tiktok – WLFA. [online] Available at:

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Biteable. (n.d.). Video Resizer: Resize your video for Facebook, Insta & Twitter. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov 2022]


‌‌‌‌iStock. (n.d.). Two businessmen handshaking are dishonest and cheat with holding gun. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Nov 2022]


Audio Description


‌ (n.d.). Standard techniques in audio description (Joe Clark: Media Access). [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov 2022] (n.d.). WebAIM: Captions, Transcripts, and Audio Descriptions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov 2022] (n.d.). Introducing Automatic Alt Text. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov 2022]




Willyard, W. (n.d.). Transcript File Formats: Everything You Need to Know About Different Transcription Formats. [online] Rev. Available at: [Accessed 29 Nov 2022]


Rev and Rev (2021). How to Decide if You Need Human or Automatic Transcription. [online] Rev. Available at:

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‌Taylor, M. (2021). How to Translate Captions. [online] Covideo. Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov 2022]



2.7 Mobile Phone specific Accessibility issues/technologies

‌Apple Support. (n.d.). Get started with accessibility features on iPhone. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Dec 2022]



Section 3: A Description of My Proposal


3.1 Market Survey 

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‌SurveyMonkey. (n.d.). Market Research Surveys: The Quick Start Guide. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Dec 2022]


‌SEMRUSH (2022). SEMrush. [online] SEMrush. Available at: [Accessed 5 dec 2022]


House of Commons Library. (n.d.). Research Briefings Archive. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec 2022]


3.2 Buyer Personas


Brown, S. (n.d.). 12 Essential Questions To Ask When Building Buyer Personas. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec. 2022]



‌Copper. (2019). How to Create Targeted Customer Personas in 13 Steps. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Dec 2022]

‌AI, D. (n.d.). How to create B2B buyer personas (with two examples) | Delve AI blog. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Dec 2022]

3.2 UN Sustainable Development Goal 4


UNESCO (2018). Sustainable Development Goal 4 and its targets. [online] UNESCO. Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec 2022]


Section 4: Development of the Graphical Design

‌Using Figma (2022). How Do I Export High Resolution From Figma? [online] Available at:

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