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Introduction and research

COVID 19 accelerated an existing but gradual trend towards Home Working. Therefore, I began my research by understanding the longer-term impact of the disease on this sector’s proportion of the future workforce. The more people work from home, the more beneficial this project and the video it is.


A report on “HOME WORKING in the UK: BEFORE and during the 2020 LOCKDOWN” by Felstead and Reuschke helped me indicate a couple of reasons that will help me with the project (2020):

  1. Most said they worked better at home.

  2. The vast majority wish to continue with home working to some extent after the pandemic is over.


I created my initial “Idea Board,” which outlined many positive benefits of improved back health. I decided to create my outcome using Milanote’s approach and specifically the four instructive videos in their presentation “How to start a motion graphics project: Step-By-Step Guide.” 


This guide impressed upon me the need to adopt a consistent visual style throughout the work by using a “Mood Board” to set the tone, which focused on the Google style of imagery. Additionally, Milanote’s “Guide” also reinforced my understanding of the need to develop a motion project through a series of graduated stages whose discipline helps to eliminate the need to alter basic structures at advanced stages of the design.

Target Audience

Defining my target audience was straightforward enough, being all those of working age who work from home on either a full-time or part-time basis, irrespective of gender, colour, or creed.

While many papers explain how to target specific customers were informative from a general perspective, the breadth of my audience precluded most of their recommendations. For example, Hansen KA, Paul. “4.7 Audience Segments: Psychographics” was informative about the range of personality types that we need to take account of in narrower client-focused projects. However, I wanted to address a more generic appeal where my video could effectively reach a broader audience. 

I will address the various categories of data analytics in the following section, but this exercise is directed at desk-based home workers, whose age falls within a range of 16 - 64 years. The Demographics for this subject are wide-ranging and pretty much all-inclusive within the overall stated premise.

Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 20.35.30.png

Colour Palette


I initially chose to use the colour palette shown on the left side. The colour set for this project is taken from the company that I work for, as the work contains their logo and a link to their website (Microlink PC UK Ltd).

However, as seen in an image, these are rather dull colours. Therefore, I may decide to use a “happier” and
more uplifting set of colours in the final version. After all, the message is supposed to be optimistic!

Character design process

Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 21.06.31.png
Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 21.06.45.png

I experimented with a number of character designs before finally selecting the ones shown on the left. As the project is dealing with the human body, it is essential to represent it reasonably and accurately to demonstrate the advice.

In my project I tried to use one object in all frames that can be found in every household to show that the person is working from home. I chose three objects with the first one being a child, second a dog and the third one a cat. Out of all these three, the cat was chosen to show not only the inside environment of the house but also the outside.


In my project I tried to use one object in all frames that can be found in every household to show that the person is working from home. I chose three objects with the first one being a child, second a dog and the third one a cat. Out of all these three, the cat was chosen to show not only the inside environment of the house but also the outside.

In my project I tried to use one object in all frames that can be found in every household to show that the person is working from home. I chose three objects with the first one being a child, second a dog and the third one a cat. Out of all these three, the cat was chosen to show not only the inside environment of the house but also the outside.


Storyboard / Sketches

Walking Cycle

In motion graphics, the Walking Cycle is a repeating series of frames depicting a

moving character, enabling the designer to avoid animating each step again

and again.I used this technique as a means to speed up the production time.

Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 22.07.33.png

I used a technique in 2 of the frames which focuses on the different and essential part of that frame. This technique was used to show the importance of that part which has been marked with a yellow line.

voice over

I feel that women's voices often tend to come across as more trust-worthy and nurturing

than mens, especially in regard to health-related matters.

Subtitles and typography

I tested various styles with a number of my work colleagues who suffer from visual impairment and dyslexia. Therefore, when creating subtitles I had to make sure that it is easy to read and understand. 

Screenshot 2021-06-19 at 12.55.56.png



The final outcome

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